Originally Posted By: SmearyGoose1768
No other organized crime outfit had the soldiers battling it with each other and the government in the streets like the Mexican cartels. I mean literally shooting it out wild west style with the government and each other. Not the Medellin Cartel not the Cali Cartel, the Sicilian mafia nor the Russian mafia even less the Triads or Yakuzza. I will start posting and translating some of the Mexican cartel interrogation vidoes but can someone tell how to embed youtube videos?

Youtube is a little tricky. Here it goes...


Now in between the two sets of brackets, you will copy and paste the url of the youtube video, but you must remove the S in Https. Make it just HTTP.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."