
By reading the headlines the past few weeks, CLEARLY there is an agenda to derail Ben Carson. Depending on the political slant of the outlet....they will cover up or brush of transgressions by a candidate they are promoting and then vilify a candidate they are against for the SAME actions.

Has happened numerous times.There was a former Klan member elected official who died a few years back who happened to have a (D)next to his name and ,of course, his obituary and the words spoken at his funeral were about "forgiveness".."changing" "correcting our errors" in most of the media. Senator Byrd. We both know that if there was an (R) next to his name...the news segments would have been accompanied by Klan imagery and burning crosses. It all stinks which is why I just read the headlines....chuckle...go back to what I was doing before reading the headlines.

Media bias or not though...what Carson wrote in that passage of the book is false. There are technically no scholarships to service academies....your admission and commitment to serve is your "scholarship". I consider what was written as stretching the truth more than an outright lie, but he wrote a false story.