
That's a good question which I can only answer half of it. This information is from a guy who witness it firsthand and became a member of the Stones. He did explain that for the recruitment by VLs & GDs was generally Chicago youth expressing their membership and attracting other youngsters around the city. Therefore it's a combination of socializing then criminal activity later. The Stones on the other hand was in the El Rukn phase so it's probably expanding their membership and business base. Today by his statements, Stones in the Sip are low profile active, pro black power/Muslim , or misguided thinking they're hybrid bloods or branch of the VLs (LoL). General age of Stones between 30-50 with a modest amount in their 20s or younger.

It goes back to what I said Gets, Chicago Stones are generally the most low profile mob outside the Mid-west. You wouldn't know of their presence until arrest/indictments or violence. Also, There's a chapter of Mickey Cobras in Yazoo City , Black Disciples have a presence in Meridian. Don't know about them New Breeds.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb