Originally Posted By: CLenz7
Back to the thread anyway.

That kiddie porn is news to me. When did dealing in child porn become ok in LCN? Not to mention the amount of rapists I said who became made men. If I was an authority figure in the mob I would have killed someone who did either of those things.

You're giving them way, way too much credit. Rape isn't a sexual crime. It's a violent crime perpetrated by people who need to be in control. And that fits the wiseguy persona to a tee.

As far as porn goes, they'll turn a blind eye to anything. Fat Tony and Matty both made the bulk of their fortunes shaking down gay bars on the West Side of Manhattan back in the day. And with that came a lot of other freaky shit that you'd be shocked by. And these were Westsiders, the cream of the crop! lol

It's a money game, Buddy. It always has been. Now, some wiseguys certainly have more "morals" than others. But you shouldn't be shocked by anything they do.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.