[quote=CabriniGreen]Tell that to CRaig Depalma, don't want to sound like a jerk or start an argument, but I don't think you understand what it's like to GROW UP in a crime family, and have it expected of you, even if it's not who you are...
Like , do you know what it feels like to be a straight up, hard working guy, and have like your father, or MOther, or your whole family look at you like you are just a pussy?
You ever read the Godfather?
I love the part how Michael bristles inside whenever they call him "civilian" when HE was the fuckin war hero lol
I mean that kid took a shot to the fuckin face, and is still here trying to make a life for himself, I respect that.
Some of the shit people say on here baffles me, like YOU AINT ABOUT THAT LIfE!!

true that is right in some cases robert decicco rugerrios kid micheal franchese junior gotti tory locasico joey and johnnny perna cirilllo s kid joey merlino joey chang johnny chang mikey chang i can go and on of these guys kids

but its the opposite for alot of mobsters who make sure there kids go legit and make sure they stay away from crime there kids go into legit stuff i mean look at bellomos kids or castanalos kids or nicky corezzos kids (yes his son in law is in the life but not his own blood or mikey scars kids or Anthony "the Genius" Megale or lugi manchiero or tony lipianas kid

i can go on and on

it all depends on the parenting some of the kids really want to join the life they are real gangsters guys like tory locasico but its differant when there fathers push them into the life they are the ones who turn out like craig depalma

but majority of mobsters make there kids go legit

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion