The real powerhouses in the LaRocca Family were certainly Kelly Mannarino and his brother Sam but most people overlook Joe Pecora, often referred to by friends as Jo Jo. Nobody made a move along Rte 30 withour Joe knowing about it. People could talk about No Legs Hankish all they want but Paul couldn't take a shit without letting Jo Jo know about it. Our local guy, Jimmy Tripodi, ruled with an iron fist. His # 2 man was Cosmo Quattrone, owner of Rex Cigar store and the casino inside. Dean Martin got his start dealing black jack at Rex Cigar. Tripodi & Quattrone were Calabrese and were tied in with the Youngstown Calabrians as well as tied to Tony Milano (Calabrian) in Cleveland and Antonio Ripepi (Calabrian) in Pittsburgh.

Last edited by dinocrocetti; 10/17/15 11:13 AM.