Originally Posted By: Thewop
Originally Posted By: Scalish
For sure DeCicco.

Lesson? Water always seeks it level! Frank like Johnny was a gambler and a drunk.fact... The worst was that Frank was a prima Donna it was all about him just like Gotti. Okay Frank was a bully! Yes I said, remember him always interrupting, telling jokes and everybody having to laugh at them it was a way of stroking his ego. Truly Frank wasn't a team player he accomplished very little of what he promised to do. What made him successful was his bigger than life personality. Here's the problem even though paulie bought the bs others didn't. So what does he do but join up with John all while plotting to kill him at the same time. What more can you say Frank was a coward a fake til you make it punk and a drunk one at that. As they say in the mob the cementary is full of indispensable people and Frank thought that the mob couldn't exist without Frank.

cant believe this i am hearing frank decicco is a coward cant believe what i am hearing. John was no coward either no matter your opinions of either of them they had balls some can argue stupidity but being a coward that must be the most embarrassing statement i have read on this site

you called decicco a drunk and john a drunk which is the furthest from the truth gamblers yes but so was half the family infact to even imply that they were drunks shows your obvious dislike for the guys which i understand but dont make shit up

it was common knowledge that by the 80s john did not drink much rare to seem him drunk he also quit smoking

frankie never plotted to kill john infact after john became boss you would see them together alot frankie was even at the "forgotti" trial in 1985 to show support

Frankie stated that if john turns bad he will kill him

frankie Decicco was one of the most respected capos in the family i what are you smoking

Last edited by gangstereport; 10/15/15 01:03 PM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion