Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: gangstereport
i dont know because different capos kick up different amounts but jack falcone a FBI agent who infiltrated the gambino family. He reported to greg DePalma who was the capo. Anyway Jack said that he estimated that greg made 25k a month thats 250k a year that is also according to jack not including big scores that greg would make. Jack said greg would kick up from what he heard several thousand a month to megale and arnold that was in 2004-5

Greg was never that kind of earner, even as a young guy. Trust me on that. He had what was in his pocket. He loved to show-off, and he had it down to a science. So a lot of people bought into his act.

When he died he left his wife nothing but debt. Street money, the mortgage on the Scarsdale house that was forever being re-mortgaged, you name it. When he was finished doing his bid for Scores, he came home to a shitty little condo in Tuckahoe, which wasn't even in the "nice" part of Tuckahoe.

Greg was a bully who wanted everything for free. Just thinkimg about him turns my stomach.

the 25 k bit was from jack falcone but he prob inflated the numbers a bit

apparently according to jack he would always beg legit people for money which he never paid back he would pretend he was poor.

Yearh i heard he had to live in tuckahoe apparently he was real bitter after the feds took way his old house which he described as a mansion

why did the gambinos make him capo if he could not earn

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion