Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
He recorded Bart Lucania and then threw out the recordings? How irresponsible. Maybe there is doubt he really recorded Bart's voice? Some people embellish.

People often don't think to save things. So there's no reason to think he lied. Scaduto was a well-known journalist with a long history. I don't doubt that Gosch had notes and that his widow got rid of them after he died, not knowing their value. Can't always assume the worst about people.

My beef with Gosch is that his notes were of a fictionalized version of Luciano's life, a screenplay, and he passed it off to Hammer as the truth. So I don't blame Hammer either.

Anyway, as I pointed out, Brooklyn threw out many of its records and I'm not going to assume that they never existed. They just didn't realize the historical value of what they had. It's like a strict mother who takes it on herself to throw away her son's comic books because she cleaned up his room after he wouldn't clean it up. Then it turns out that the comic books were part of a valuable collection that her son saved up for years. I remember that happening to one or two people I knew when I was a kid.