Gosch wrote down notes that were unorganized. Hammer took the notes and when he cited them used quotes. Hammer also did the historical background. Later, when a reporter asked to see the notes the widow of Gosch said she burned them.

There was a New York reporter who wrote a book critical of the Gosch and Hammer book named Anthony Scaduto. I interviewed him because he said he interviewed AND RECORDED Luciano's brother, Bart. I asked if I could get a copy of the recordings. He said he threw them out years earlier.

But they're not the only ones. I contacted a former president of the Italo-American National Union (what used to be called the Unione Siciliana). She told me that a previous president couldn't find a place to store all their old records, so they destroyed them.

The borough of Brooklyn destroyed all of its older business license records (I wanted info on the Harvard Inn and other old mob-related businesses). New York City and other cities regularly destroy old police files.

So it sucks, but most people don't appreciate history and don't bother to save records.