Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
You do know that other Crime books based on LCN were out at the time, before Gosch & Hammer released "The Last Testament"? And a lot of them contained some of the information that was claimed in the Last Testament, there are some who believe that Gosch & Hammer used those books as reference points to describe factual events, "as told by Luciano".

I don't put much credence on Testament, but the concern I have with the above statement is that it implies that Gosch and Hammer cobbled together Testament on their own with no input from Lucky Luciano himself. If you say that, then you have to explain away the whole story about Lucky and Gosch being together as acquaintances, the screen play for the proposed movie, etc etc etc. It's not like Gosch claimed to know someone he never met. You have to explain why Luciano was with Gosch if Gosch's primary profession was writing scripts for movies [not writing autobiographies] and being a motion picture producer.

Here's another factoid: Luciano was a fan of Abbott and Costello. He might have listened to them on the radio. Gosch was big part of the production of the Abbott and Costello show. So that's another connection and no one can then claim that Luciano had no idea Gosch was involved in show business.

When asked to produce proof of his conversations with Luciano, like an audio...Gosch or Hammer, one of the two, claimed that they had taken notes of Luciano's statements, when the book came under scrutiny, these notes were sought. According to the authors, when no notes could be recovered, the claim was they had been burned.