Originally Posted By: gangstereport
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
According to prosecutors, Cowboy controlled a $75-million-per year organized crime drug empire. This was before he was caught with the literal truckload of marijuana. He also pleaded guilty to possession with the intent to distribute heroin and
cocaine. So him getting a life sentence solely off a weed charge, is false.

his father was the real power and your telling me he deserved life without parole when he was suposed to get 52 months

geogres sentencing he said he did not do three of things in the indicment

At the first sentencing proceeding, Martorano only contested three of the facts in the government's sentencing memorandum that went to the defendant's guilt: (1) whether Martorano was a career criminal, (2) whether the street value of the drugs allegedly sold yearly by the enterprise was $75,000,000 (as the government alleged) or some lesser number of millions, and (3) whether the government, rather than Martorano, had supplied the heroin used in the sting operation that led to Martorano's arrest. Jt.App. at 158-160.

no way did he deserve a life sentence sure he deserved time but its ridicolous and so is the 75million inflated

Where'd I say he deserved a life sentence? I simply disputed the claim that he was given a life sentence on a weed charge. It's simply inaccurate.