Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
I doubt now that Luciano even said majority of the things attributed to him in the Last Testament book. You're right in that it was originally written as a screenplay, but there's doubt that even Luciano signed off and participated in that whole ordeal in the first place.

Idk, there's been real debate over it. But I've went over to the side that believes the book is a complete fabrication.

Well, either Luciano fabricated names, places and events or Martin Gosch did. I cited example after example where what's in the book is contrary to the facts. If it was a screenplay (and we know that it originally was meant to be a screenplay) and was published as Luciano's true life story, then that is by definition a hoax and a fraud.

If I interviewed Richard Nixon (for those who don't know, he was a president of the USA and died several years ago) for the purpose of a fictionalized movie of his life, then after he died I put it together as a book and say that this was an interview of his real life story, that's a fraud. Some facts, some truths, could be in there. They would have to be to give it coherence, but the stuff that we don't know about, we can't trust it because the original intention was a fictionalized screenplay. So to call "The Last Testament" a hoax or a fraud doesn't mean that every single thing in the book is false, but that it's not what it claims to be and can't be trusted.