Originally Posted By: flattax
What about Kate Steinle shot in the back of the head by an illegal Mexican that had been deported 5 times? I think Trump will deport all the immigrants and then we can start helping our own. Realize that all jobs filled in the last 5 years have been by dream act and then say the 10 commandments. Not fair this country catering to people that really should have stayed in their own country and top ruining ours. Trump spot on with "Make America Great Again".

There has been an economic recovery, but official stats released claim that over 90% of all the new jobs created went to immigrants, legal immigrants. So jobs get outsourced, what's left over is divvied up between the illegals who hog up the unskilled job market, and the Visas and transplants who hop up the skilled market. After over 11 million illegals have gotten to eat, and over 1 million per year legal immigrants coming into the USA for economic reasons have gotten to eat, the poor American citizen, born and bred here for generations gets what's left over.

When the smoke clears and two candidates are left standing, I will vote for the one who is the most austere about enforcing our immigration laws. That could be Trump, that could be Hillary, that could be Bush or Donald Duck. I don't really care at this point.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."