See this is exactly why I get confused:
It's like is it a commission, or really a dictatorship like maranzano?
Cause you see a weak boss, but in AHistory of the Sicilian cosa nostra,it says PRofaci
Was instrumental in mediating a truce between the Grecos from Ciaculli and Giardini, also close to the Villabate boss...
He's older than BOnnano at the time, that's what I meant by seniority, plus their kids married right?
Just like Carlos and LUchesses?
Plus he's got family married into the Detroit family, and BOnnano is family with the Maggadino family.
So what I wonder is how does a COmmision meet go at this time period, I didn't even MEntion MAngano.
Profs I had an airport on his estate if I'm not correct, that's kinda crazy isn't it? Like that a lotta olive oil lol