Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: mchang93
And apparently they wouldn't take you for your word if u were close to dying any way. Joey Chang told EMC "Timmy got me". Timmy was a nickname of one of zips with Stanfa. No one ever even entertained a jealousy motive or that maybe they caught Joey Chnag sharing info always beeen he was delusional and it was Joey,Mikey and the boys who did it. Not saying it wasn't just pointing out even if you rat on a guy as u lay wounded your word may not be taken as the truth.

But was Timmy really one of the shooters? Did he switch from Stanfa to the Merlino faction?
I think like many things in LCN we don't the whole story. Only people that testified were Natale a known bs artist and horsehead scafidi who said Mikey Chang held gun to his head and forced him to join hit party. Neither of those guys are believable in my book. Maybe I'm wrong but I think more was going on here then we are aware.