The number of responsible gun owners exceeds the number of whack jobs who own guns, so making all guns illegal will not stop anything just make it so those of us who own guns can no longer defend ourselves.

I think first thing we should do is mandatory sentences for anyone who is in possession of a firearm illegally (I know on this particular case the guns were panes legally I'm speaking in general). Unfortunately the dems will never support that idea, special interest groups who control them would spin that and say it is probably racist, saying something along the lines of "white people targeting minorities again."

If you go on netflix now you can watch a show called The Killer Speaks, I say don't
make these murderers famous don't give them the attention they want. It is sad that I know the names of the individuals committing these horrendous acts and I don't know any of the victims names.

I have not been watching the news or paying attention tp any politics for a few months now, but I can only assume Dianne Feinstein is talking about abolishing guns and Hilary wi try and use this to boost her campaign, using people's emotion and dead bodies to try and get elected, I could be 100% wrong though.

The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.
Walter Sobchak: You mean... beyond pacifism?

Walter Sobchak: This guy f*cking walks. I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life