Yes, that's the only way that maybe, MAYBE this could've been prevented. Make owning any firearm of any kind illegal and 20 to life for anyone caught with one.

But even that won't work since there's hundreds of millions of firearms in circulation or owned by the public already so stopping a suicidal maniac from carrying out something like this isn't going to work because he isn't worried about life in prison.

So again, what gun law would prevent this in reality?

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
It appears that gun control is not going to prevent psycho-assholes from carrying out their objectives. So to that point, all guns should be considered in the same vein as dynamite - strictly prohibited. Sorry NRA, sorry Smith and Wesson, sorry Remington, sorry all you other gun manufacturers. Your product prevents me from living life the way our Declaration of Independence saw it. Your greed and self-gratification became irresponsible and reprehensible. The 2nd Amendment - "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." I can't see where that Amendment supports the hoarding of fire arms for use against society to deny citizens the inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

From the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

In today's society I believe my rights have been denied. Where can I pursue happiness? In a movie theater, in a church, in a college, in an elementary school? End the violence. End the disregard for life.

Your line of thinking is flawed here.

You aren't guaranteed happiness. You can pursue it. And in theory, the government isn't supposed to stop you or interfere with it. Of course that isn't the case in reality or I wouldn't have to pay an income tax.

Yes in all those gun free zones like colleges and other schools, you're denied your right to self defense or to be defended by a good person with firearm. But it doesn't follow that people who want to own weapons have a disregard for life. In most cases quite the opposite.

Increases in gun ownership and the liberalization of gun laws have NOT correlated with increases in crime or violence.
Other cultural factors play a role in increases in violence, not guns themselves. WHY ignore root problems?

Last edited by SoCalGangs; 10/04/15 02:25 AM.