don't think that Franzese is that smart Hill acted as his personnel shrink while he was chasing his wife around. Henry told someone that when franzese first met his wife who was a model sleeping with casting agents and complete losers her operandi was save a horse ride a cowboy and Franzese was gaga googa over her. Henry said that at a pool party a complete stranger groped her breasts and said slut and she laughed it off this was before marrying Franzese. Then Franzese brought her a gold chain an took it to her plooping on the table in front of her than ran off. Franzese was a complete Basketcase over her until they married. How do you run the mob and fret over a ho all at the same time. Yeah I heard that too they're developing land in Flaurida and NYC problem Mikey is focused on becoming the next Billy Graham so it's to soon to tell how that investment will work out however being that Donald Trump is involved it should be ok. Wonder if Mikey's brother is living on some of that property in New York. Hard to see Sonny killing his boy they're real close. Honestly I don't think that Sonny ever liked Mikey, he just wasn't suited for it! 1st it was movies now it's crusades, even back in the day never heard Franzese talk mob. My bet is that sonny has all that money stashed and I can't guarantee that his son will get any of it especially since he doesn't go visit Sonny much these days. As far as skimming goes Persico wanted to whack Mikey at least this is what Henry said that Mikey told him. Thinking about it, Persico probably was Big Bang theory material he was a lot more wizard of Ozz material the man behind the curtain than vinny the robe. Don't know if Pete the fruit is still around or not, but he always to me that Persico was a cold blooded killer and he worked for Persico so he'd know, actually claimed the snake killed his brother.