Originally Posted By: Jimmythepen
Not even if they knew, 100 percent he was a fed? Admittedly I bow to your superior judgement PB. I just would have thought that in the late 70's, an era more violent than now, that if people knew for definite that someone in their ranks was a fed/agent then they would get rid of them.

It's interesting to think about it though hypothetically. Say you had a guy who was close to him, and had discussed business with him for years. He then knows for sure that this guy is a rat. He surely would know that he's going to testify, and that the likelihood is that he'll go down as a result of that. So for me I would have thought that it would be case of nothing to lose.

You learn every day smile

I mean, the scenario you described was kind of similar to the Gus Farace situation...and you can see how the families responded to a situation similar to one you describe...

the feds put major heat on them and they killed him themselves