Originally Posted By: pmac
Barboza from new England big in San Fran put alot of guys in jail and got what he had coming. Got was a stone killer more serial like.

Yeah, but you really can't count guys who left the program and didn't follow the rules. Today things are different. You have high-profile rats walking the streets.

It's a moot point, anyway. Because years ago, when they'd search far and wide to hit a rat (Frattiano, Hill, Cafaro, Featherstone, the Philly and Lucchese rats from the '80s, et al.), we never would have found out anyway. The Government would cover up those murders as tight as Homeland Security. Because it would kill their business.

If it ever got out that a protected witness was hit, the WITSEC Program would look MUCH less attractive to the wiseguys, to say the very least. If it got out, there would be far less guys willing to flip. No way the Goverment allows such a murder to become public.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.