Gustavo Gaviria was a real person. He was Pablo's cousin and was Pablo's right hand, pretty much. He was claimed at one point to have been the third most important man in the Medellin Cartel. But he was definitely real. He served as Pablo's frontman for various businesses, and plenty of Escobar's properties were registered in his cousins name.

Narco's is awesome, I finished it about 3 or so weeks ago. As good as it is, it too has it's faults. Another one of my favs on Netflix is the spanish language series "Pablo Escobar: El Patron Del Mal". It's basically a series about Pablo's life, it ran on the spanish stations here in the States, but since I've had Netflix, I watched this show thanks to the subtitles Netflix provides. The only thing is of course, the characters have different names, the only real names used are Pablo's, I believe his wife, his mother, and Galan & the other political enemies Pablo Escobar had. Medellin Cartel members and dealers are renamed, as are most of Pablo's hitmen, even his cousin, who's given the ridiculous name of Gonzalo.

Carlos Lehder's character is named Herbert. I forget the last name, but I just don't see why they couldn't use a lot of the real names. Other than that, the show is great.

Another Netflix show I've come across recently and kind of like is The Black Donnely's.