You can't really split gambling proceeds down the middle to try and figure out what they make as it's pretty much an entrepreneurial type business with the earnings all over the place from very high to very low .

The agents generally handle the day to day in terms of handeling the $ between the bettor and the book and will usually get somewhere between 25-40% of his packages losses with the higher % going to the ones that hustle and have the bigger volumes . My strong guess is that expense is already included in the 5% net profit type operation

That net profit , some goes to the middle mngt , soldiers , higher level assoc etc. and whatever is left goes to the bank , the guy or guys that finance the whole thing with their $.

Instead of being the bank and having their own book , even Capos will just manage their package and put it thru another fams book , less headaches and can still bring in a lot of $ minus the usually small amount they give to their collectors / enforcers , these guys sometimes get more if it's a notorious " hard " collection which every package and / or book has , lol .

Generally it's a lucrative set up but even big books get jammed up some weeks and sometimes for multiple weeks . It usually then , when shit starts to happen and a smart enforcer can usually finagle more $ on the hard collections . For the middle mngt guys , the soldiers , my guess is they are bringing in $100k+ ( middle income in this area ) and obviously some of the higher up middle mngt make more , probably closer to 200-300k+ or so but that's just a guess , good $ and I'm sure it's a lot more fun then my job lol but that is a 7 day a week job and usually pretty stressful unless you started off with a great Monday night football.

Im in the minority but i still feel Costa Rica and the Internet were booms for this business and CN

I know a bunch of agents as I'm always curious who the bank is , I obviously have my hunches but thats it

I also feel bad for the lower tier agents that are part of a connected book . These are usually blue collar guys , newer union workers that do this on the side and maybe manage a small package of 15+ bettors or so. These are regular good guys but boy oh boy does the govt try and fuck up their life , and heaven forbid some higher ups meet at a particular restaurant and maybe used the phone a few times , well it's getting raided and I'm talking with all the computers being taken out , I've seen it with my own eyes and it's just pathetic of the govt . I get you have to arrest the soldiers and capos but really , put a kids mug on times magazine for something where maybe the kid was getting $4-500 a week , they do it for just a lil extra $, especially the new guys in the union that don't have good per hour rates yet , freaking tragedy and still pisses me off .

Anyway that Perna book has always been huge , back in day it was Catalina and lasted forever . Only the WS had a bigger book and I think one of their big sites was the infamous bet eagle , lol , oh the memories and I'm almost positive we have 5-10 posters here that did their bets from these sites . These books were so big that I even think the philly north jerz crew just handled huge packages by thru these books and is probably the way to go as you aren't putting up your $ and since you aren't the bank , might be off the fed investigation radar , these were the smart guys .

I also always wondered what book the gambinos had in NJ . I know they were strong in Bloomfield and had some of those titty bars around there and even had a small casino at one point I believe, plus their drug business but I never heard anything about their betting site , they might not of had one , but rather just ran big packages thru the other 2 fams book but I'm not sure