Ok, he has everyone's attention and now needs to act more mature opposed to attacking and name calling, its silly. He could be a breath of fresh air and could garner respect from our political amd economic foes.
I agree, we need to build a wall or build sub stations every 15-20 miles along the border. Without security, immigration policy is a moot point. Thats like telling people they get free cancer scans as cancer prevention rather than eliminating cigarattes.
Sending 12 million people home is unrealistic and cold. The bullshit everyone hears about illegals is just that, bullshit. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Those that were hear for more than 5 years, applied for a visa, and have tax ID numbers should stay unless they were convicted if a felony, and by felony, i dont mean urination on a federal building.
Most came here LEGALLY but over stay their visa, we know who they are, they pay taxes, and have tax ID numbers. Guess what ??! They all fuckin work and are productive, these are people we want. Contrary to what many think, they dont rape the system, they just want to work andntake care of their families. If anyone of you lived in thise pvertu strcken countries they come from, you would all be here as well,
I have first hand experience with this. My workers are from south america and have paid taxes for 12 fuckin years, OWN houses, and their children go to school.
You want them kicked out !!! Fuck that, how many so called americans dont work, blame everyone else for tneir laziness and we want to kick out peoductive people that pay taxes, i dont think so.
My construction business survives and flourishes not because i dont pay my workers the same amount i would pay a white guy( i probably pay more); it flourishes because my workers are craftsman, reliable, honest, and hard working.
The people that claim south americans are stealing jobs are full of shit and lazy.
I've had white americans working for me and they proved to cut corners, make excuses, and were not reliable, fuck em.
If you are threatened by hard working south americans, be creative, think outside the box and so something instead of being lazy and complaining.
Sorry for the long winded vent,this is a touchy subject.
By the way, the same things were said about the italians back in the day.

Last edited by Belmont; 09/30/15 09:18 AM.