Haven't heard much about him after that.

The Guiliani administration created Local Law 42 which instituted measures to remove the mob out of the waste hauling industry. One of those things was to replace the business associations the mob used to control the business. For years there was the Association of Trade Waste Removers of Greater New York and the Queens County Trade Waste Association (controlled by the Gambinos), and the Kings County Trade Waste Association and the Greater New York Waste Paper Association (controlled by the Genovese). These were replaced by the NYC Business Integrity Commission.

The mob's iron hold over the industry was broken but it's presence was not completely removed. It paved the way for national carting companies to enter the market and new licensing requirements made it harder for mobbed up companies to operate. But the mob is still involved to some extent. There was a bust involving the mob's effort to control the business back in 2013. In 2011, a report was released detailing the mob's continued presence in the industry in New Jersey. It has become particularly involved in related businesses that are not as regulated such as demolition and recyling.

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