There was speculation for years about black youth being fed ( unknowingly) chemicals that make them violent and sex crazed. Look at the statistics regarding all the black on black crime which tells me the plan back fired.
I really think black leaders are responsible and tried to destroy whites but the plan back fired as i said and the blacks began to exterminate each other. This is why they keep having babies in order to keep replenishing their population.
As an experiement, go to a ghetto and drink some water out of a random fountain in a park or school. You will immediately go into a trance like state and it will take you a few minutes to regain your bearings.
I also worry that black leaders are brain washing young blacks and are trying to prevent them from speaking proper english. When is the last time you saw a really good black carpenter . Even the " real housewives of atlanta" hire white contractors, plumbers, and electricians. Where are all the negro tradesmen ?
I am not trying to scare you guys, especially the younger posters. Its best to start a dialogue now opposed to waiting when things get too crazy.

Last edited by Crash; 09/29/15 09:47 AM.