The wiki article translated:

The massacre of Torre Annunziata or the massacre of the Circle of fishermen or even massacre of Saint Alexander was a tragic act of violence took place in Torre Annunziata in 1984.

The August 18, 1984 near Scalea was stolen a bus, which was used a few days later, to carry out the massacre. In fact, on August 26, 1984, around midday, the bus arrived in front of the circle of the fishermen of Torre Annunziata, where often met men tied to the Gionta clan, the bus exhibited a sign with written "Sightseeing Tour".

The bus went out a commando of 14 gunmen armed with shotguns, AK-47 and IMI Uzi, that opened fire, killing 8 people and another seven were injured, some of the victims were not linked to the Camorra and the boss Valentino Gionta,the real target of the expedition, was able to escape.