ok..obviously a troll topic


There's a hardcore criminal element in the community..and a LARGE % of followers/mentally weak teens who are afraid to be themselves and make the conscious decision to follow the criminals.

I also think there are issues of self-respect and self-worth at play.They think little of themselves...so of course they think NOTHING about others.

...I was on the subway a few weeks ago and couldn't believe how some of these kids were carrying themselves in public. I understand that a lot of it is for show...that it's an aggressive facade put on so that they won't be victimized by other teens but at some point gotta turn the switch off.

@OP...we don't run from/duck topics here....but don't troll anymore..you didn't read any article about "Negroes" and chemicals in food.If you've got something to say, say it...but get off the bull.