Originally Posted By: alexandarns
Originally Posted By: pmac
I gonna go by common sense the bigger the city the bigger the loans.

No that dosent mean that.There were about 1500 made men in NY and 100 soliders in Chi.NY had 8 milion people in 1950,chi had 3 million 600 thousend people also in 1950.So you do the math.That dosent mean anything.
not saying that a guy from NY wasnt the biggest,just saying it dosent have to mean anything.

If you're going to start posting numbers, you have to go with the entire NY metro area, which includes all of areas I mentioned earlier in this thread. NYC has something like 8 million people. But the greater NY area has around 20 million. So YOU do the math.

Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
Ivey, look, you are arguing, I don't even know what, like I started off naming 3 big ny sharks, including the guy who was whole reason you are naming tieri as the top shark, Ruby stein.
Admit it, it irked you when he said buccierri and those chi guys were bigger, what I don't get is why it irks you so much.
Like if you woulda came back with no, actually Luchesses garment Center shy was the biggest thing going, or something, you say, "well NYPD said he was the biggest, and New York is the biggest yadda, yadda, then you call fan boy lol
Let me ask you this, when did Tieri become the biggest, after JIggs FOrlano?

It doesn't irk me. Tooped said he thought that certain Chicago guys at certain times were bigger loansharks than some NY guys listed. Now maybe some of the Outfit guys were bigger than some of the NY guys mentioned previously but, as much as he's tried, it's still not really clear why he would go to that conclusion. Nothing any of you have posted have been convincing in any way that the Outfit guys cited were the biggest. Now, you may say the same to me about Tieri but, we do have the statement by the NYPD and the fact he was a major earner in the family long known for having the biggest gambling and loansharking operations. Yet you guys keep trying to question the possibility of Tieri being the biggest when there's a lot less to support the claim about Chicago guys. That suggests to me you're biased for whatever reason.

Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
And you keep bringing up that quote from the 70s, cause it supports your faulty hypothesis. In murder machine, after stein got killed, funzi didn't even have the ledgers, so it's clear he was just protecting him, like he didn't build that book, and it can't be a coincidence this guy stein happens to be associated with two guys named as the biggest sharks, like it was his book, goddamn...
Like, tell me Lepke or someone Jesus lol...

I don't have to go to the quote by the NYPD in the 1970s. The fact that the Genovese family has always had the largest gambling and loansharking operations would be a better reason to assume they had the biggest loansharks than any argument you have yet to produce. But like I said, believe what you want. That you keep trying to argue this leads me to believe you WANT to believe something and aren't necessarily looking at this objectivity.

And by the way, why are you talking as if Tieri's loansharking interests were wholly contained in Stein's shy operation?

Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
One last thing, gravano moved on Paul mostly cause of construction money, Paul even cannibalized his own people's rackets see? What's the , Piccolo?
Why the genovese need to kill him if ny is so big enough for everyone, why kill the guy?
And why was he killed, he had competing interest..
Gotti and Franceze sit down , loan action at flea markets, it eventually took up three families, they ended up fucking the operation up cause they were fighting over one little market, I'm sure there are too many examples to list so I'll stop there...

Why do you keep trying to bring up historical points to make your case when you get them wrong at least half the time?

Gravano was doing really well in the construction rackets under Paul. He joined the plot against Castellano for other reasons including because Paul was planning to break up the Gotti crew, him selling out Piccolo to the Genovese family, etc. The latter wasn't a case of him "cannibalizing" Piccolo (ie for his own benefit) but putting his business relationship with Chin above what benefited his own family and backing one of his captains.

Originally Posted By: CabriniGreen
One last thing, gravano moved on Paul mostly cause of construction money, Paul even cannibalized his own people's rackets see? What's the , Piccolo?
Why the genovese need to kill him if ny is so big enough for everyone, why kill the guy?
And why was he killed, he had competing interest..
Gotti and Franceze sit down , loan action at flea markets, it eventually took up three families, they ended up fucking the operation up cause they were fighting over one little market, I'm sure there are too many examples to list so I'll stop there...

Obviously there have been plenty of disagreements that have required sitdowns. But not fighting. Even with a territory as big as the greater NY area, and the money involved, there's still going to be plenty of greed and those who will try to take whatever they can. But the distinct lack of violence between families in NY over the years shows how successful they were at avoiding contention that ended in bloodshed.

Originally Posted By: mulberry

NYC and the surrounding area is big but has 8 families. Chicago has one family. Each of the boroughs by themselves is smaller than Chicago.

You're comparing loanshark cases in the past 15 years to determine loanshark activity 30-50 years ago?

Is there any hard evidence Tieri was the biggest loanshark ever? One statement by the NYPD before a trial means nothing without evidence backing it up. Did they provide any figures as to how they determined he had more money on the streets than anyone in the history of the mob?

As I said above, you have to look at the greater NY metro area, where the NY families have always operated. Even with multiple families there has evidentally been enough money and then some for them all. A family simply having a given territory all to itself doesn't mean that territory is as lucrative. The Outfit still has all of Chicago to itself today. If it benefited so much from being the lone family in the past, why do we see so few loansharking cases today? If there's any rackets that should have stood the test of time, it's bookmaking and the accompanying loansharking.

If you don't think there's enough "hard evidence" to think Tieri was the biggest loanshark, fine. But, as I keep saying, the fact that the NYPD thought so, and because he was known to be a major earner in the richest and most powerful family long known for having the biggest gambling and loansharking operations is a hell of a lot better reason to assume he was than any of the Chicago guys mentioned.

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