Originally Posted By: Blackjack2121
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Stanfa was definitely involved in the Bruno hit. After the hit, they had police protection for Stanfa while he was in the hospital, one of the officers reported that Stanfa was visited by Sindone & Salerno, and that they were speaking in Sicilian with each other. After he got out Stanfa was spotted by surveillance with Tony Bananas in NY before he got clipped. Leonetti says in his book that once Bananas got whacked along with his brother-in-law, the Genovese soldiers went back for a guy they believed was Nicky Scarfo, Anastasia says years later that guy was revealed to be Stanfa, through informants.

Stanfa was definitely saved by Carlo Gambino and his family, Stanfa had some sort of deep Sicilian familial connection with Carlo, and he vouched for him and saved his life. I read it was Castellano who also was the main reason why Stanfa was named boss when he finally returned to Philadelphia.

Definitely? That is your proof that he talked in the hospital and after the hit?


Why would he not want to get in with the possible new powers to be? He would be killed if he didnt fall in line.

That evidence is flimsy at best.

Not sure if serious?

The hospital point was just one bullet point basically among the other reasons I've mentioned. Others didn't fall in line and pretty much killed the conspirators. Stanfa would've been among those dead had it not been for his links with the Gambinos. Consider this, Stanfa was Bruno's driver the night he was killed, they were in Stanfa's car. Supposedly, according to the authorities at the time, they believe Bruno's window had either been rolled down after Stanfa saw the gunman, or it was rolled down already, but according to them, it was only the passenger side window which was rolled down. The gun was pointed directly behind Bruno's right ear. They probably didn't suspect Stanfa would be caught by buckshots. Keep this point in mind, days after the shooting, literally days after, Sindone & Salerno (may have been Caponigro) are in Stanfa's hospital room, huddled around his bed and they're all speaking Sicilian, according to the cop guarding Stanfa, who was Italian but didn't speak nor could he understand the dialect. After Stanfa is released from the hospital, he's seen in NY with Caponigro on more than one occasion. According to Leonetti, Stanfa was present at the meeting in NY in which Caponigro & his brother in law were reportedly killed, accompanying them both, but was told by either a member of the Genovese, or Caponigro or Salerno, to stay behind. And this is according to Anastasia, after they rid Caponigro & Salerno off the face of the planet, a soldier was sent back for Stanfa, whom that soldier mistakenly believed was Nicky Scarfo, but once that soldier got back, Stanfa was gone.

Considering all of those things, it pretty much points to Stanfa's involvement in the Bruno slaying. Not to mention his comments at the Crime Commission investigating his murder, in which he was jailed for perjury. The evidence was clearly against him.