No my problem was you didn't mention any of that in your initial response;
You just kinda took offense to the fact someone mentioned a bunch of Chicago loan sharks being in the same league as some New York ones, and that doesn't make sense to me.
I'm cool if you say tieri was the biggest loan shark, but you gave no reasoning or examples beyond, well he's in New York and he is in the biggest family, that's just bad logic.
I remember the first time I read that the biggest mafia boss in the 60s was CArlos MArcello, it made no sense to me, until I read a little about him.
I couldn't understand how MEdillin was bigger than CAli when CAli was based in NEw York, until I studied the drug trade...
It took a whole thread to convince you Detroit was kinda good at moving dope lol.
I remember I read George Remus was the biggest bootlegger, from Ohio of all places...
And you are not wrong about the size of New York, but I'll quote the BRasco movie, "5000 wise guys chasing the same buck", they do canibalize each other's markets, this is why they move around, if New York was big enough to never expand, they wouldn't go anywhere. THey don't have a right to everything happening in ny everywhere at all times.
And a lot of the times, these guys are going to be confined to their own ethnic group or neighborhoods
Take costellos slots, he got run outta New York to NO, and because NO had a more favorable, corrupt able climate to crime, the territory was more valuable at that time..
But this is a stupid fuckin argument anyway, like its ALL speculation, just why you always attack anything not New York confounds me...