I love how you say people don't understand how big ny is, when I'm born and raised in Chicago and have been to ny a few times and you have never been there, lol, you are killing me..
Like how can you say posters from other cities when you are one?
And you are so wrong, these guys do fight over the same pies, perfect example is the construction racket. Gravano talked about it in his book, how it was becoming a bubble that would burst, cause all the families were involved.
Tieri lost a sit down to Tony BAnanas over gambling and sharking right? In jersey, but he has operations nationwide? Then why fight over that when he has operations dwarfing that in New York, which is so superior a territory?
My issue isn't with tieri being a sharks shark, it's like someone else said, you kinda just like
The west side, to the point that you seem to take offense if anyone says anything about some one rivaling New York in like, any damn thing lol, and you ain't even from there, that's why it's funny..