Idk why it's gotten so much hate though. I expected more than just a 76% on rotten tomatoes. I thought the story was engaging, directing was great and obviously the acting was great. Felt a little long at times but that's it. I think people's big problem was the fact that it jumped so far ahead in time. A scene would end and then they would jump about 5 years or so. I had no problem with it personally because after all they are telling a true story. Years from now I think people will look back on this as one of the best mob movies of all time. It's not as good as the movie it is compared to so often which is "the departed" but I don't think they're very comparable in terms of story in the first place. It's a cut below the departed but still a great movie. Depp will most likely end up deserving the Oscar but I doubt they'll give it to him because the critics have somewhat knocked it out of the best picture category(even though it definitely deserves to be nominated and unless "the revenant", "hateful eight", "sicario" or the steve jobs movie tops it, it deserves to win).