Originally Posted By: alexandarns
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Toodoped
Sorry what was the year when Tieri became boss?

And i dont think that this guy had any huge operations during the 50's or 60's. After that it doesnt matter anymore. And could you please elaborate with us on your statements like "they don't seem to realize is the size of that pie" and "a relative cow town compared to NY". And also i would like you to elaborate with us about Tieri's personal interests in Las Vegas casinos. Im not trying to break your balls but im ready to post a list of gambling and loan sharking operations of the Outfit during the 50's and 60's, so i was curious if you can give us some infos about Tieri's alleged multi-million dollar operations during that same period?

What can I elaborate on that I already havent? Anyone who talks about all the NY families fighting over the same territory, aside from obviously having a poor understanding of mob history, seriously underestimates just how big the NY metro pie is - especially compared to anywhere outside the region. And why on earth would you think he didn't have any big operations in the 50s and 60s? You and Cabrini talk as if Tieri was a piker until he became the official underboss/acting boss in the 70s. And Tieri's bookmaking and loansharking operations extended out to Vegas. I don't know if he had any interests in the casinos.

Anyways, feel free to post whatever list (hopefully sourced) you want. The Genovese family has always been considered to have the largest gambling and loansharking operations in both NY and the country as a whole.

And its allways considered the carlo gambino was the strongest boss and had the highest number of soldiers in his time period,and surley he had a lot of top loan sharks.Also Anthony accardo was one of the greatest bosses to ever live and the outfit was very powerfull in its time,also Nicolas jiggs Forlano was one of the biggest loansharks and a tone of others.Why do you allways pick the west side soldiers as the best at everything,west side this west side that,allways those guys.There are the rest of us who favor the west side but we are not obsesed with them.I dont feel the need to point to the west side all the time...
Im sure that they were not allways at the top of their game,and in one time were 2nd to the Gambinos.Whats wrong with that?
Dont mean to attack you,I have a lot of respect for you.And Toodoped I admire you knowledge too,great job.

It's not about having an obsesssion withe the West Side. I've never even been to NYC and don't get a stipend for talking them up.

The original question was about the biggest loansharks. Tooped offered his opinion that certain guys in Chicago were the biggest at certain periods though his reason for thinking that way is largely speculative from what I can tell.

The NYPD considered Tieri the biguest loanshark in the country. I find that believable due, not only the size and extent of Tieri's own operations, but also vecause the family has always been said to have the biggest gambling and loansharking operations.

Do we even have a statement from law enforcement saying something similar about anyone in Chicago? Not that I know of. If someone has sourced info they can enlighten me with, please do.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 09/19/15 06:09 PM.

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