Originally Posted By: DonKostic
I hated that.

Pussy misses a very important sitdown - one he brokered no less - and the only punishment he gets from Jackie was a "where have you been?" followed by an extremely weak excuse (his comare's mother was in the hospital and then he got laid? Really?) after which Jackie just jokes about it and let him off the hook.

In real life mobsters get whacked for as much as not answering the boss' phonecall. The only thing that would have saved Pussy's life in this situation would have been if it was something of grave importance, like if his kid was on his deathbed or something. Otherwise, they would find Pussy the next day with a window in his head.

Me too.

I don't think Puss was a rat at that time, but it shows he was an unreliable motherfucker, and when you think about it, this is a very tense sitdown, basically brokering peace before a war between Junior and Jackie could break out. Not only does it show massive disrespect to the newly crowned Boss, and to one of the family's strongest and longest serving Capos, as well as to his own Captain, it also shows he puts something as trivial as his comare and her mother about this thing of ours.

Sentimentality - Jackie, Tony and Silvio loving Puss like a brother - saved him there. If it were anyone else....

Jackie does say to him, "You better have a good excuse for why you're still alive"