The main thing for being a good loan shark is that people have to be very scared of you and Buccieri was one of thouse loan sharks. His reputation always preceded him and if you think about it the most scariest mobsters were the most sucessful juice men. Mad Sam was also a lunatic and everybody knew that,Battaglia was also very agressive guy same as Patrick.

Mad Sam loved when his debtors couldnt pay their debt so he can kill them

Even as an old man and high in stature, Battaglia still used to chase debtors on streets and used kick the shit out of them publicly

Lenny Patrick once said during a court session "Yes. I am the dirtiest thing living on Earth. I don't have feelings for anybody. Everybody's so afraid of me they shiver when they see me. They put on an extra coat." smile

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good