30 years from now you won't notice any difference in New York anyway old rackets will die and New ones will become available after that I think it will become the beginning of the end i think it will start to slowly deteriorate at the moment there is still a large recruiting pool but the quality is weakening and 30 years from now will there be any young guys coming through? I don't think so.

What will happen in my opinion I'd that as the five families start to drop heavily in numbers they will merge together keeping LCN around for a bit longer.

Outside of new York apart from New jersy and maybe areas of boston the mob will be gone fact philly will not last 30 years at its height it had 60made guys now look at it Chicago is already weakening and Detroit is dying 15 years left.

But even after the LCN is gone there will always be organized crime

80. Years from now LCN will be long gone

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion