Originally Posted By: mulberry
The Genovese rats didn't do much actual damage as far as putting people in prison.

As far as attrition, I would say Chicago has been hit the hardest of the sirviving families. The power they have now is nothing compared to the 1980's when they still controlled the casinos and unions. They are down from 6 crews to two crew with not much more than gambling and shy.

are you joking?

Anthony “Bingy” Arilotta- helped decimate the springfield genovese crew and took down the boss of the entire genovese family.

Vincent "Fish" Cafaro- Soldier helped bring down gigante and others he was a major damage to the family

all families have been damaged by rats

the outfit is alot weaker than it was but it has three crews and still a force with some union clout and links to rackets like contruction

philly has been damaged the most by rats without a doubt. Then the bonanno family

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion