Star Wars 6-film box set due in 2007

From what I understand, George Lucas is going back once again to make even more changes to the Star Wars films. What those changes are and what films in particular they are going to show up in, I don’t know yet. As soon as my rumor mill starts to flow on those, I will let you know. All I know is that my source tells me that it’s going to happen for this new box to be released next year.

Frankly, I find it funny that Lucas will spend more money on these films but won’t give the unaltered versions a correct anamorphic transfer. Perhaps he will for this new set. We’ll have to wait until the details start to come out. Something in my gut is telling me the unaltered versions will not show up, but that’s my gut, not a rumor. It could happen.

All I know is you should probably start saving up your money now if you plan on buying this thing because it’ll probably be a monster and will probably come in a few different variations. Technically, it could run at around $150 or in that ballpark when you consider it’s 2 discs per film, at least, and then there’s bound to be at least one bonus disc, if not two. Plus they’ll probably throw in some garbage like game demos or little coins or pewter figures or whatever they dream up that they think will make the set more appealing to fans because let’s face it, outside of the normal DVD enthusiasts, the only other people buying this mega-set are going to be fans of the films. Most other people already have them or will be buying them individually this year.

Ok, so there’s one more little rumor I need to throw into the mix here that’s somewhat related but came bundled with the info I was given, so let’s get it out there and see if it sticks. The Star Wars Anniversary Set that’s coming next year is going to be the big item for 2007, but what about 2008? Well, Lucasfilm is allegedly working on another Indiana Jones boxed set for the 2008 Holiday season, so have no fear those of you who like to spend money.

Think about the timing though. The new Indiana Jones film seems to have finally been given the go ahead and if all goes well, we could see it in theaters in either late 2007 or early 2008. That gives the marketing machine plenty of time to promote a new Indy set for 4th quarter, 2008 but with the NEW film included. Again, that’s just my gut there. The only info I was given was that there’s another Indy box being prepped for 2008. I’m reading into the rumor.

Source: Star Warz