In most cases its not just heroin that kills. If an addict is experienced there going to know better than to do a lot of something they got from a brand new source. The'll try a little and see how strong it is.

Most OD's are from stupid people who just got out of prison and now they are detoxed, their resistance to the drug has gone WAY down. So whats the first thing these assholes do? the minute they get out of jail clean as a whistle they go score and cook up the biggest shot of H trying to get off real good (oops DEAD)

The other way is by mixing H with xanax or coke. Thats another good way to kill yourself.

Now Keith Richards is no hero of mine but here is a guy who did heroin everyday for over 40 years. I know he looks like hes 92 but hes still very much alive. I read in Rolling Stone where he said he was always very careful not to get too "greedy" when it came to fooling with dope.
