Well, it's been a eventful day.

Judy Carne passed away on the 3rd at the age of 76. She was in Laugh-In, and had the famous phrase of "Sock it to me!". She also was married to Burt Reynolds. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/judy-carne-dead-laugh-in-sock-it-to-me-1201587506/

Jean Darling passed away at 93, and I believe is the last of the 'Our Gang' silent era. http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/jean-darling-dead-our-gang-1201587524/

And, finally Adam-12 and Route 66 star Martin Milner passed away at 83. http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/07/entertainment/martin-milner-actor-obit-feat/

RIP to all

Last edited by BAM_233; 09/07/15 07:25 PM.