Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: salvi62
This is exactly my point.

You would never hear "bahhk-howsa" (spelling it phonetically) in Rome. But you'd hear it a thousand times a day in the Hurst.

Italian-AMERICAN is its own special culture. Yes Pizza is a second generation who understands the culture in both worlds (italy and the bronx) but what about all the Italians in South Philly, and all over parts of NY who only know a few words, but still eat macaroni every sunday and 7 fishes on Christmas. They might have the big rope chain with le corna or the little gold malocchio hand on it, sometimes right next to a crucifix (that always used to break me up....)

My point is we have our own culture that we created right here in this country. Its not the "real" Italy italian, its Italian American.

Spot-on, Salvi.

co-sign. People birth culture, not vice versa.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."