Originally Posted By: British
Always found it strange that people call themselves Italian but can't speak the language

We have a lot of Italians in the UK and many are maybe now 2nd or 3rd generation Brits and they hardly bother with anything Italian and don't describe themselves as Italian

Must be more of an American cultural thing, I think its nice that people want to hold on to their history, but they should know the language if they feel that strongly about it..

Same thing here in italy,there for example chinese that don't speak chinese but onlu italian and in some case the neapolitan.

Mario Balottelli is african but adopted by a northern,so when speak,you can hear the dialect.

For me if a person is born in italy,speak italian and was full integrated,this person is italian,this is called Ius Soli (right of the soil,is the right of anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship.)

I'm also agree with Moe,a fifth or sixth generation italian is an american of italian descent,that all,or simple a white people.

For Gotti I doubt that know that the Italy stay in the Europe.


Fix It Again Tony

That in the 70s now in the 2010s the people accused Obama of sold the Chrysler to the italians.

lol lol lol