Maybe bronx or PB will be able to answer this but did any of John or joe gambino's kids get made? Is it Sal's kid Tommasso who got made out in LA?

Just read the Scars interview from a few days ago with Ed Scarpo, says when he got 18th ave after john Gambino went away he schooled 'Heavy Tommy'

This is from the interview below.

Mikie Scars and Jackie Nose taking control certainly improved the family's finances, but there were other factors. The section was far from being a smoothly purring machine. "The kids ran wild after their fathers went away." Because of this, DiLeonardo and D'Amico took some of them under their wing, Cali among them.

Cali initially got closer to D'Amico, eventually driving for the mobster. DiLeonardo found himself practically raising one of the many Gambino offspring -- several of whom were named Thomas.

Scars's Tommy was nicknamed "Heavy Tommy" because he was overweight. "He became my 'project,'" DiLeonardo said. (There also was a "Curly Tommy," a "Tommy from LA" etc.)

"We grew these kids into the life," DiLeonardo said.