It's more of a theory than anything, bases off of stuff I've read, trying to make sense of the motivations of the people involved;
Without all that dope money, LUchesse never gets to compete with COstello on the political scene for one; I read that Costello went to the commission to hit Coppola, in like 49 -50' probably thinking, who's this goddamn capo from Detroit ,to be giving me, the head of the strongest family in New York, any kind of shit, right? Seems logical, but imagine how the vote probably went; LUchesse- well, no, he supplies all our dope. Profaci- no, Detroit is my ally, I got two daughter married into that borgata, and Frankie is a key guy, so no. BOnnanno- I'm with don profaci. Magaddino- I'm with my cousin. MAngano- probably goes along with profaci and Bonnano. ST Louis didn't have a vote, but probably raised a stink, Corolla from NO was partners with Coppola, so he probably objects too.
Now imagine you are COstello seeing this, Lucky is away, Albert is only an under, and Vito just got back.
I can see this incident maybe convincing frank that he need more allies on the commission, maybe a catalyst for Mangano brothers getting taken out in 51. Like see the timeline?
Lucky didn't fear PRofaci, yet Luchesse and GAmbino seemed intent upon breaking up the PRofaci, BOnnano, Zerilli alliance, it had to have something to do with the dope, and also the votes on the commission... Thoughts?