Jerry Scarpelli, Lenny Patrick and Mario Rainone also confirmed that Ferriola wasn't a boss.

As for Alderisio, so far the evidence I've seen does indicate that he was briefly the Outfit boss (at least the acting boss under Ricca and Accardo's supervision), and Jackie Cerone was briefly a boss too. After Alderisio went to prison Aiuppa became the acting boss for a couple years, with Accardo and Alex (Ricca soon died in 1972), until Cerone came out of prison and said he didn't want to be a boss but preferred to be the underboss. Aiuppa was then made full boss, Cerone the underboss, and Accardo and Alex stayed on as advisers. By 1986, Accardo totally retired from the Outfit and Aiuppa became the top boss/consigliere and Carlisi was made the day-to-day boss and DiFronzo the underboss (Cerone was an elder statesman/adviser/underboss emeritus/whatever). It was Aiuppa who gave the order to kill Spilotro. When Carlisi went to prison and both Aiuppa and Cerone had died, DiFronzo became the consigliere and Johnny Apes became the boss while also running the Chinatown crew.