Accardo pulled the strings by the end of the 1970's.According to FBI reports during the mid 70's Aiuppa wanted to get in the narcotics business together with Nicoletti but Accardo and Alex said no and Aiuppa respected the restriction.Thats only one example, so the point was that Accardo played a big part in dismantling the old Taylor Street crew and Aiuppa was his chief executioner. And thats is not a "myth". Also no way Aiuppa was going to give the order to kill Giancana without the ok from Accardo, no way. Accardo even pulled the strings on Gus Alex because he was the one that brought him back to Chicago because Alex wasnt devoting much of his time as a part of the ruling panel. After 70's the old man was retired and acted only as an advisor from time to time and nothing more. But the thing was that his advice was still taken very seriously.It wasnt about how much cash he had stashed, hell Accardo was already a multi-millionare back in the 1950's.The thing is Accardo was a gangster till the end of his life.

Also during the 1980's Gus Alex was still pretty much active. He was still on the ruling panel, regulary took tributes from Lenny Patrick and his crew and was also involved in a murder plot.

He who can never endure the bad will never see the good