Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Originally Posted By: DonKostic
Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
Honestly, I do not know how a wife, son, daughter or relative can live his/her life knowing that this pos is still alive. This is the ONLY part of the life "nowadays" that I do not understand. A rat is a rat and can't be walking the streets. Accidents happen everyday. Why can't he end up dead due to an accident like in the olden days? Or suicide? Or just simply disappear?

He's gonna end up on TV I just know it. How can a person get away with what he did? He must pay with his life. And that goes for all the rats who CHOSE the life. Why let them live? Send a message. Go back to the old way of doing things where a man's word and honor means EVERYTHING.

Oh forget it, I'm probably just wasting my time with my rant but I hate what Cosa nostra has become.

And when was that, sir? It seems to me you've watched The Godfather one too many times.

Yeah you may be right, DonKojak. I'm a sucker for a man of honor. Also, one who keeps his opinions to himself.

I figured since I'm on here I guess I might as well reply to your comment even though I have no idea who the hell you are. Ok that was a waste of my time.

This is a forum. Not the place to keep opinions to oneself.

And indeed you don't know who the hell I am, just as I don't know who the hell you are. That's the entire point behind usernames.