I don't know, it's just a "sense" thing. Everything she says and does is undercut with this sort sad defeatedness. In another thread someone pointed out that Connie, like Michael rebelled against the status quo of their family and it was only after she had lost everything that she really returned to Michael's side.

That isn't to say she can't be strong or resolute at any given time, but is she happy? does she enjoy her lot in life? To me it would seem like she doesn't really. Hence the question, she seems unhappy, so does she blame Michael for that unhappiness? I think it's a possibility; even if she does harbor some lingering resentment, it doesn't undermine the fact that in the end she is still loyal to her family. Blood runs thick, after all, siblings can do awful stuff to each other, but in the end, we mostly seem willing to set those resentments aside because family is family.

Last edited by slumpy; 08/29/15 05:48 PM.