I had a hard time believing that a character like Tony, who's a sociopath who uses, hurts and murders people and orders them murdered, could just flip on his other side like a switch when he's with family and turn into a normal father who admonishes his children when they swear and cares about if they did their homework and whatnot.

An example for all, Tony Spilotro that distances tony as psychopath, according to the testimony of his son Vincent, has always persuaded him to go school and stay away from crime.
All Criminals aren't the same, I know camorristi that sent their children to school some times with kicks in their ass, to avoid them to do their own end.

As for Tony, what had to do? Whack Carmela? Tony is smart and knew that how the money will end,Carmela would come back to him.
Carmela don't like to work,love only spend the $$$ Tony give her.
That's it.